Colloquium: Human Science Pedagogy

Human Science Pedagogy: An International Colloquium 
June 11, 12:30-4:30 University of British Columbia, Koerner Library, RM216 (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

What is Human Science Pedagogy?

As educated & educating beings, we are not simply homo sapiens—a biological “type” determined by physiology and evolution. We are instead social, cultural and above all relational beings—capable of rising above & beyond our biological nature to freedom & responsibility.

It follows that teaching and learning, are not managerial or psychological endeavours to be known through the natural sciences. They are instead interpretive, hermeneutic and above all, ethical in nature—and are to be investigated through a science that is explicitly human.

The ways of being, thinking and acting as a teacher, understood through this hermeneutic and ethical science, are called human science pedagogy.

This afternoon colloquium brings together international researchers in human science pedagogy a multi-generational “movement.” Each presenter explores one or more of its central themes.


Greetings & Introduction: Fernando Murillo (UBC)

  • Karsten Kenklies (Strathclyde University) The Hermeneutic Imagination, or: “There ain’t no such thing as Education”
  • Norm Friesen (Boise State University): Human Science Pedagogy from Schleiermacher to Mollenhauer
  • David Lewin (Strathclyde University): Pedagogical Reductions and Hermeneutical Relations
  • Sharon Jessop (Strathclyde University): Taboo, Transgression, and the Child

Response, Discussion: Fernando Murillo




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