Category Archives: Bildung
Foucault on Self-Care as Self-Bildung
Been reading Foucault’s Hermeneutics of the Subject, Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France from 1981-1982. In this text, Foucault articulates further his notions of “care of the self” and “pastoral power” (about which I posted this item a couple … Continue reading
Foucault, Pastoral Power, Schooling and Subject Formation
David Hamilton, a remarkable educational theorist and historian, has concluded the following about schooling; i.e., about education as secular, public project: “It is perhaps no exaggeration to say that, on an international scale, schooling was conceived by Christianity and raised … Continue reading
Forgotten Connections: Forthcoming from Routledge!
I was pleased to learn this morning that Routledge has agreed to publish Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Upbringing! This is great news for a project that I’ve been working on (off and on) for a couple of years. This … Continue reading
Ludwig Wittgenstein and Klaus Mollenhauer’s Forgotten Connections
A recently completed paper (.pdf): Klaus Mollenhauer’s Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Upbringing is internationally regarded as a key post-war text in the philosophy of education. This paper introduces this text (translated by the presenter) by focusing on its highly … Continue reading
Learning Theory as Instructional Technology – or "the Animal Method of Learning"
Just got a paper accepted for a collection (edited by Neil Selwyn & Kari Facer) on The Politics of Education & Technology forthcoming from Palgrave. The focus of my contribution is on the technological, instrumentalist character of learning theories that … Continue reading
The “new Language of Learning:” Lineage and Limitations
Here’s an abstract I just submitted to Gert Biesta’s conference, Theorising Education, in June. It is relatively uncontroversial to describe teaching and education as means through which naturally-occurring, biologically-based processes of learning are directed and facilitated to achieve predetermined outcomes. Gert Biesta … Continue reading
Reviving Forgotten Connections in Teacher Education
Earlier, I reported on the visit of Dr. Tone Saevi to TRU. Together with Dr. Diane Purvey and myself, Dr. Saevi taught a course that combined film and art together with an emphasis on the pedagogical relation. As a result … Continue reading