Author Archives: Norm Friesen
Media Theory, Education and the University
A paper I’ve been working on with Darryl Cressman that focuses on Kittler’s media theory and education. One element that this paper traces over a number of mediatic developments (revolutions?) is the role of pictorial elements (above) in conceptualizing and … Continue reading
DIY U Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation…
A new book from Anya Kamenetz looks at the crises (rising tuition, falling standards) and opportunities (cc content, blended learning) that institutions of higher learning are confronting. This examination is thoughtful and thoroughly-researched. It avoids the apocalyptic predictions that Tapscott … Continue reading
Podcasting & Slidecasting for Dissemination in Teaching and Research
Podcasting and Slidecasting [slideshare id=3187688&doc=podcasting-100215153601-phpapp01] View more presentations from Norm Friesen. This is my presentation from the Teaching Practices Colloquium at TRU. The abstract is below and the slidecast version is above. You can ensure your presentations reach the widest … Continue reading
Creative Commons in your Organization or Publication?
Using Creative Commons resources in organizations or publications that still follow the rules of “conventional copyright” is probably more complicated than you expect. These materials generally aren’t “free” –either as in beer or as in speech.Instead, they bring with them limitations … Continue reading
The “new Language of Learning:” Lineage and Limitations
Here’s an abstract I just submitted to Gert Biesta’s conference, Theorising Education, in June. It is relatively uncontroversial to describe teaching and education as means through which naturally-occurring, biologically-based processes of learning are directed and facilitated to achieve predetermined outcomes. Gert Biesta … Continue reading
CFP – Media: Digital, Ecological and Epistemological
Special issue of E-Learning and Digital Media, Editor Dr. Norm Friesen / Please Forward as appropriate! Media today are everywhere. From educational gaming through portable e-texts to cell phones ringing in class, it seems we can’t escape. Nor can we … Continue reading
Data of the World, Unite!
Reading Winthrop-Young’s “Drill and Distraction in the Yellow Submarine: On the Dominance of War in Friedrich Kittler’s Media Theory” in Critical Inquiry. I came across this provocative passage: “With the decline of large-scale political activism in Western Europe and North America … Continue reading
Metadata Possibilities: from the IEEE LOM through Dublin Core to …the “Cloud”?
Metadata Cloud [slideshare id=2542495&doc=metadatacloud-091119234756-phpapp02] View more presentations from Norm Friesen. (My apologies for the audio quality) Over the last 10 years, the status of educational metadata, specifically as they relate to learning objects, has changed radically. In the heady days … Continue reading
CIRTA 2009 Keynote: Re-Thinking Research to Re-Engage Practice
CIRTA 2009 [slideshare id=2541865&doc=cirta2009-091119201747-phpapp01] View more presentations from Norm Friesen. Audio and .ppt of a presentation based on my book. The relationship between theory and practice is complex and multifaceted: Classic studies in software engineering and interface design (e.g. Suchman, … Continue reading
Learning Object Metadata is…? Long live Learning Object Metadata!
I have been looking into the current status of the Learning Object Metadata, an IEEE standard that was a central focus of my professional life –at least while the CanCore initiative was active. Projects and writing on the LOM seem … Continue reading